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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Jul 26, 2024

Minutes 36-40

We’re back as our dear little Robin lies flightless. IS THIS THE END OF THE BOY WONDER?!?!? Kind of... you'll see...

Batman heads out to look for him night after night. By “look for him” we of course mean “beating the crap out of crooks to get answers”. Would you expect any less?

After jumping through some rather explosive hoops, The Joker's lair is revealed and the Battle for Robin's Soul is on! Or is that "Little J"?

The next episode follows in one week!
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!

The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina & The Skeletones and Double Echo.


Today's guests: Phil Dragash and Norman Mitchell