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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

May 28, 2020

Showmanship! That's what it's all about, Harvey, honey! AND YOU AIN'T GOT IT! Wait... what?

It's okay folks, the emergency is over. A man-child trapeze artist is here, it's all going to be fine.

Batman confirms that this all takes place within Han Solo's carbonite fever dream - sans whip.

Like a lion eating hummus, rounding out his investigative duties for the week is our resident duel daddy - it's Scott Carelli! He's gonna chug his way through this case to get to next season... and The World's End! Let's boo boo.

The next episode follows on Monday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

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The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina & The Skeletones and Double Echo.


Scott Carelli

Scott Carelli - Dueling Genre Productions - BTTF Minute Twitter - Spider-Man Minute Twitter - Cornetto Minute Twitter


Bat Minute Forever