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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Mar 29, 2019


It's po-po panic today as Batman is pursued into his waiting little tankie, desperate to survive. It was a bad move - The Penguin has assumed control of the car! CARNAGE ENSUES! After all - his damn license has expired!

Returning to action from Alphabet St in his Little Red Corvette and ready to do his Batdance is one of the most prolific podcasters around. He is the mastermind behind 'Prince: Track by Track', 'I've Made a Huge Mistake', 'A Talking Cast!?!' and even 'How To Lose a Guy in 10 Episodes' - it's Darren Husted! With Darren on the scene, Breakfast Can Wait!

The next episode follows on Monday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!

The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina & The Skeletones and Double Echo.

Darren Husted

Darren Husted - WebsiteTwitter

Prince: Track by Track - Website - Facebook - Twitter

I've Made a Huge Mistake - Website - Facebook - Twitter

A Talking Cast!?! - Website - Facebook - Twitter


Bat Minute Returns