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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Dec 28, 2018

A new challenger appears! Catwoman comes roaring onto the scene but has no time for weak women - such as Selina Kyle.

Max is back in the house and he's wearing the most incredible suit known to man. This guy is a style icon, if not a model citizen.

The meeting with Bruce is finally happening and Shreck begins his plot for UNLIMITED POWER!

Back to destroy puny Earth men and women one more time are Audra Wolfmann (aka Odessa Lil) and, now joining us on-planet for this episode, Klingon Vanna White! This fearsome duo don't need no Kut'luch - they can crush crooks merely with quick quips, wit... and burlesque!

The next episode follows on Monday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!

The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina & The Skeletones and Double Echo.

Audra Wolfmann and Klingon Vanna White

Audra Wolfmann - Twitter - YouTube

Klingon Vanna White - Website - Facebook

Speakeasily - Website - Facebook - Podcast

Tight and Nerdy: The First and Only All Weird Al-Inspired Burlesque Troupe - Facebook


Bat Minute Returns