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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Mar 30, 2022

Today we hold secret’s flame aloft for all to see as the credits continue unabated.

You've got a plethora of Pumpkins, heroic hairstylists and one brilliant Batshop - all on the next exciting episode of Bat Minute!

Back for one more crack at The Bat are a duo straight out of the Valley of the Demon - it's Rikky Wiley and Ash "Doc Horror" Lerczak! Let them show off their boss powers! PUNK ROCK VAMPIRE (BATS): DESTROY!

The next episode follows on Friday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!

The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror) of Zombina and The Skeletones and Double Echo.


Today's Guests were:


Rikky Wiley

Rikky Wiley - Twitter

Dick Limerick Academy - Bandcamp

Ash Lercazk

Ash "Doc Horror" Lerczak

Zombina & The Skeletones - Website - Facebook - Twitter - Spotify - Bandcamp

Double Echo - Facebook - Spotify - Bandcamp