Oct 22, 2021
Alfred talks of controlling death... but can it truly be defied? Perhaps not.
Mentally, spiritually, but perhaps not physically we travel back in time, to the days the young Master. Bruce suddenly realises the truth in Alfred's words - some things must be let go.
Hang on though - a blonde lady is on the loose!
Returning to take one more suicidal stab at this case, bringing their own brand of justice, it's our men of steel themselves, Mark Ybarra and Nathan Parnes of the DC Cinematic Minute podcast!
The next episode follows on Monday.
Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!
Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute Listener's Cave!
The Bat Minute theme song is by the band Rat Bit
Kit and Ash Lerczak (aka Doc Horror)
of Zombina & The
Skeletones and Double
Mark Ybarra - Twitter
Nathan Parnes - Twitter
DC Cinematic Minute - Website - Facebook - Twitter