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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Feb 28, 2018

Joker... walks.

Vicki... walks.

Batman... walks.

It's all action, all the time, folks!

Throw in some foot fetishism, a discussion of average police response times and an equally slow moving Gordon and we've got one hell of a show for you, Bat fans!

Back once more to push the boundaries as Special Guest Investigators...

Feb 26, 2018

From the wreckage he climbs - battered, beaten... but not defeated. The Bat is back and he's gunning for Jack!

The Joker enacts his bold and daring plan - aerial escape escapades! In the meantime, however, a little silent play is in order.

Joining our dynamic duo as Special Guest Investigators are Murren Kennedy and...

Feb 23, 2018

Batman is dead. For real this time... right? The Batwing lies in ruins, much like our hero's DAMN BONES. Joker had one shot and made it count - now he needs some of mom's spaghetti.

The deed done, the clown prince takes hold of Vicki and escorts her up, up, up, to the brink of heaven. In his mind, at least.

Only the...

Feb 21, 2018

Batman is switching to... targeting... computer.

Joker's goons feel the full force of Bat might, Bat Minute Mites, as they get blown to the moon and back! The clown prince is next in line but he stands there, confident, bold as brass. Bring it, Bats!

A trouser cannon is on hand to even the odds...

This duel of the ages...

Feb 19, 2018

As the big 1-0-0 lands it's sadly not party time in Gotham as Bob... our beautiful, wonderful, masterful Bob, is no more.

There's panic in the streets of Gotham as clown chaos reigns and bat-demons rule the skies.

Joker and the Batman are moments away from a showdown for the ages - head-first!

To manage this melange of...