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Bat Minute - A movies by minutes podcast

Mar 31, 2020

Bats (and cats) of the world, unite!

Mar 30, 2020

Eddie hits the Photoshop hard in his attempt to solidify a new identity. A lot of duds here, but the dude is on the right track. I'm not sure if taking fashion tips from a Zoltar is the wisest move, but whatever. The Gamester is one the scene! Perhaps.

This week's returning champion is the one and only Caffine Jedi -...

Mar 29, 2020

Have you tried switching him off and on again?

Mar 27, 2020

The goons open fire! Did they learn nothing from the past two seasons of this show?

To escape, Bats takes to the sky... well, his whole damn car does! Batmobiles - they fly now? They fly now!

Rounding out a top week of investigation is somebody who knows that the answer is out there, but that you have to see it...